
January 27th, 2010 | Categories: Amazing, Funny Stuff, Interesting, picture | Tags: , , , , ,

  1. oneear
    February 4th, 2010 at 15:12
    Reply | Quote | #1


  2. apologetic
    February 4th, 2010 at 20:26
    Reply | Quote | #2

    What saddens me is how Christianity has turned into a stereotype. I am a Christian. No, I don’t want to argue my point with you or shove my beliefs down your throat. No, I don’t hate you, and No, I don’t wish you death. And in all honesty this has a point. Christians now-a-days have put themselves into a bubble causing this stereotype to be created. They have become hypocrits and they have become persons of hate rather than love. What I will say though, is this is only a stereotype, a rightly given one, but a stereotype none the less. Not all christians are so ignorant. And not all Christians are quick to damn you to hell. We deserve the critisism for the way a lot of us have acted, but on behalf of the believers. I apologize. Our doctrine, teaches us to love under all circumstances, just like the father loved us. I am sorry for the way christians have come forward and condemned you before they knew you. It’s not the way we are taught. As someone who disagrees with the Religion, but loves Jesus, I hope my apology gets recognized.

    • Totentanz
      February 15th, 2010 at 19:19
      Reply | Quote | #3

      Just so you know, christians have always been persons of hate. It’s not just some recent development. Remember all those people they killed in the dark ages for not believing exactly what they should? Remember Luther and how everyone was killing the Lutherans because their beliefs deviated slightly from what the church thought was how it should be? Remember all the women burned for being witches?
      Christians haven’t suddenly become more hate-filled than ever before. If anything, they’ve gotten a bit more tame about it than they used to be.

  3. Frank
    March 10th, 2012 at 11:29
    Reply | Quote | #4

    I’d like to point out what’s wrong with this picture:
    10. Yes I do, because mine is real
    9. It’s not just the fact you say we evolved from lesser life forms that we are upset. God created us, even from dirt, which makes him more amazing and us more special in His eyes.
    8. It is not a trinity god. This is a common misconception. it is the godhead. Three in one. Not three separate gods. One God. Confusing, but true. Kjv not niv. the old testament, sins were passed down up to ten generations and there was only sacrificing of the best of your flock/crop.. It was not all the babies it was the firstborn. All firstborn. It was a plague for enslaving the chosen people.
    6.once again, Jesus is God. The godhead not the trinity. Jesus is not a man-god. God calls him his son because he is himself born unto himself. And we don’t laugh at other false gods impregnating people. Those are demons. And it has happened according to genesis where it talks about “angels” going to earth and having babies.
    5. Carbon dating was found as incorrect recently and thus the wrong dates. It just hasn’t gotten around yet. And if the world is that old, it could be because Moses wrote the first five books. If you have seen a particular show on the history channel or read the bible close enough, you will notice that the when the bible talks about creating man and woman, that is singular. Yet in a mother verse it has plural. Adam and eve could just be a flashback, and therefore the timing could be misplaced. The bible doesn’t give a date, but most Christians believe that it is 4000 yrs old. Probably when Moses estimated it was. He may have skipped some stuff.
    4. Those are extremists. Everyone has their faults. Being homosexual is just as sinful as stealing, or lying, or killing, but that isn’t what sends them to hell. What does that is not accepting Jesus as their savior and repenting. That is, stating what you have done wrong, all that you can remember and ask Jesus to cleanse you. It can be time consuming if it is your first time. Although, Christians should strive to not sin, so the list would be short.
    3. Not all speaking in tongues is of God. Some is demonic. False prophets still exist and this is an example. Those who are not strong enough in spirit, or cannot discern whether the speaking in tongues is evil or not, can be convinced.
    2. I cannot explain what God are completely right about this one.
    1. That is somewhat true. Most Christians do not know about spiritual warfare or the history with that. Christians don’t have to be history buffs, but it helps. As well as I can tell, atheists and others looking up history is good for them. Maybe if they the bible just as much, they would see that all of this is true.

    • christian
      July 22nd, 2013 at 23:42
      Reply | Quote | #5

      So Frank….. your telling me that dinosaurs (which we have proof of) lived along side humans or did they come at year 1… and Adam and Eve at year 2?… think about it.

    • Wodan
      February 12th, 2014 at 08:03
      Reply | Quote | #6


    • Athiest
      June 6th, 2014 at 18:20
      Reply | Quote | #7

      10. That’s what everyone says about their god. The Greeks were very sure of Zeus and Poseidon.
      9. Really? Why do we have crappy night vision? Why can’t we see all points of the light spectrum? Why do we have disease if we’re so special?
      8. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
      7. How does sin get passed down? Is it genetic? *cough* sin doesn’t exist *cough*
      6. NO ONE TRUSTS GENESIS. If you want to convince me of something use something OTHER THAN THE BIBLE.
      5. Please explain this “proof.”
      4. I thought Christians were born sinners? How can I believe in a religion that can’t even agree with itself? Also, being gay is natural and sin is imaginary.
      3. Demons don’t exist.
      2. God sure has “mysterious ways” of letting children starve and letting roughly 1,000 die per day.
      1. Atheists know the Bible better than most Christians. “The best way to become an atheist is to read the Bible.” -Mark Twain

  4. Justin
    April 17th, 2012 at 20:16
    Reply | Quote | #8

    Amen, Frank about your comment! But I disagree with you on two things. The praying part, every time I pray my prayers are answer, it takes time to. Just because it doesn’t happen right then doesn’t mean it is never going to be answer. And the speaking in tongues one I go to a Pentecostal church and I never heard of anything of some speaking of tongues is evil, I don’t get it.But, that’s just me.

    • Redirected
      April 20th, 2012 at 18:55
      Reply | Quote | #9

      Justin :Amen, every time I pray my prayers are answer, it takes time to. Just because it doesn’t happen right then doesn’t mean it is never going to be answer.

      Okay Justin, Pray right now that I convert back to Christianity…and I’ll let you know what happens.

  5. Rob
    May 20th, 2013 at 11:34

    Hahaha Frank you just confirmed every sterotype in that pictur. Congratulations consider yourself brain washed and deluded.